A new Costa drive-through is set to be developed as part of a small business development near Sheriffhall Roundabout.

The proposals from Buccleuch Estate are for an 8.5 hectare of greenbelt land which lies within Midlothian’s Sheriffhall South Local Development Plan site, and include the coffee shop alongside workplaces.

The proposals show terraces of small business units designed initially for “small start-up businesses” but with a flexibility to adapt with demand in the future.

And developers say they have used the ‘constraints’ of the agricultural site to help them design high quality units which will work in harmony with the site making the most of its natural features.

In their design statement the developers say: “The scale and form of the buildings is directly related to the desire to provide units for small start-up businesses with a variety of potential requirements, and more importantly providing the flexibility to accommodate a number of uses over the lifespan of the buildings, and therefore avoid the current culture of disposable

“While a consistent approach has been adopted to the initial shell of the buildings to create an overall sense of place, its is envisaged that each terrace will take on its own unique character, reflected with differing elevational treatments according to the occupiers.”

Included in the application for planning permission is a Costa drive-through which is part of what is described as phase one of the site’s development.

The drawings for the site show at least 20 units in rows of terraces within the land surrounded by woodlands, with outdoor space for workers to relax.

Putting forward the plans for the land which is south of Sheriffhall Roundabout, close the junction of Gilmerton Road (B6392) and the A7 developers said it has been constrained by surrounding woodland and overhead cables which contributed to the design.

They said: “The layout shows how the proposed development has respected the existing woodland that occupies the site, while enhancing the larger landscape.

“The layout’s forms derived from the overhead cables, allow an interesting landscape with footpaths to allow pedestrians to enjoy the public open space.”

Among plans for the site are 26 electric vehicle spaces, cycle spaces and paths as well as barrier free disabled access.

In Edinburgh last month a similar application was refused by planners who decided the move contradicted their active travel policies and policies to reduce emissions by 2030.

by Marie Sharp Local Democracy Reporter

The Local Democracy Reporting Service (LDRS) is a public service news agency: funded by the BBC, provided by the local news sector, and used by qualifying partners. Local Democracy Reporters cover top-tier local authorities and other public service organisations.

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The Local Democracy Reporting Service (LDRS) is a public service news agency. It is funded by the BBC, provided by the local news sector (in Edinburgh that is Reach plc (the publisher behind Edinburgh Live and The Daily Record) and used by many qualifying partners. Local Democracy Reporters cover news about top-tier local authorities and other public service organisations.