Fishing – Cobbinshaw host open day to attract new members

The 240-acre reservoir at Cobbinshaw is a site of special scientific interest, but it is also one of Scotland’s top fisheries.

Anglers from Central Scotland and beyond are fully aware of the quality of the water and Cobbinshaw Angling Association host an open day from 10am on Sunday, July 4.

As you drive down a private, single-track road over the railway bridge and through the hamlet you see a well-maintained complex which includes an office, workshops, toilets and storerooms.

More than 20 boats – including one with a special ramp for the disabled – sit in a marina (pictured) only a few steps from the ample car park giving easy access to the water. The boats all have engines.

A trout of 15lb is the largest hooked this year in this regularly-stocked reservoir which has a full-time staff of two and a membership of around 340.

However, the association is looking to increase that number and possibly attract some women members hence the open day.