Broughton High School depute headteacher nominated for award
Pauline Cummings who is Depute Headteacher at Broughton High School has been nominated for an award as the Most Enterprising Educator.
The nomination was made by parents of pupils at the school, and it comprises of pages and pages of accolades for all of the work which Ms Cumming has done to set up BRO-Enterprise and its related arms. This is the school’s social enterprise working to combat social isolaiton in the local community. It has twin aims: to help local people, particularly the elderly, and to promote respect and responsibility among pupils.
There are so many aspects to the project and a graphic below tells some of the tale. The school set up a virtual coffee table, and a pen pal scheme in which school pupils were paired with residents from Carlyle Court the local sheltered housing complex. The residents there were previously customers at the social enterprise café and had enjoyed chatting with the pupils. The pupils created boxes of happiness for the residents and they plan a Big Picnic whenever restrictions are relaxed enough to allow it.
BRO-Enterprise began in September 2017 as Friday afternoon workshops in arts and crafts, technology drop-ins, and a reading group for young children (Book Bairns). These events were planned and led by pupils allowing time spent with local people enjoying intergenerational activities, and through the experience of making food and eating together. Now the project has branched out to a café, a concert, and a school garden where they grow herbs for teas and also make soap and balms, converting a tarmac area into an “oasis of planting”. It can also be used as an outdoor teaching space.
Ms Cumming told The Edinburgh Reporter:”I’m just delighted that the enterprising work we do in school has been recognised. This past year has been really challenging for everyone, so it was more important than ever to find ways to reach out to people in our own school community that were isolated and to our friends and neighbours in the wider community who were facing really difficult times too. I’m so proud of our work and of our student volunteers. BRO-Enterprise has a strap-line, “Together good things happen.” And it’s true.”
Young Enterprise Scotland has shortlisted her in one of their 32 award categories at the Festival of Youth Enterprise 2021 which runs from 1-4 June 2021.
This is a week long event celebrating the achievements of young people in Scotland over the last year, and the range of support for those wanting to get onto the enterprise ladder.
The awards are open to practitioners at all levels working with children and young people aged 3 – 18 and any Early Years, Primary, Secondary or ASN establishment in Scotland. Winners will receive a personalised SES Award, £500 towards their enterprise education strategy and celebration through our social media channels. The winning school will also receive a nomination for the JA Worldwide European Entrepreneurial Schools (TES) Award 2021.
The link to watch the ceremony on Wednesday 2 June 2021 from 7pm is