League 1 & 2 clubs to vote on how to finish this season
All League 1 and 2 clubs have provisionally agreed to a 22-match season with a split after 18 games with a restart date of 20 March.
The SPFL Board previously advised that an 18-game season would be the more practical and realistic option, but has agreed to work on the basis of a 22-match season in line with the League 1 & 2 clubs’ wishes.
Resolutions have now been circulated to all clubs in Leagues 1 and 2 for a divisional vote by each of them, that will require approval from 75% of the clubs i.e., 8, in each respective division. Clubs have been asked to return their votes as soon as possible.
If 75% approval is not achieved, the SPFL Board will fixture games to deliver the 27-match programme previously agreed for Season 2020/21 by League 1 and League 2 clubs.
The resolutions will include the following details, as proposed by and agreed with the Steering Group:
League 1
• In the event that any club in League 1 has not completed 18 fixtures by Friday 23 April, the SPFL would not produce post-split fixtures for League 1. League 1 would instead automatically become an 18-game competition for season 2020/21. The remaining available dates between 23 April and the start of the play-offs would be used to ensure that all clubs in League 1 have played 18 fixtures. It is recognised and accepted that this may mean that some League 1 clubs could have a break in excess of two weeks before competing in the play-offs.
• If any club in League 1 cannot fulfil 18 fixtures by Thursday 6 May, final standings would be calculated on a points-per-game basis.
• In the event that all clubs in League 1 have completed 18 fixtures by Friday 23 April, the SPFL will produce post-split fixtures for League 1. If all League 1 post-split fixtures cannot be completed by Thursday 6 May, the final standings in League 1 will be calculated on a points-per-game basis. These standings will determine which League 1 clubs are promoted / relegated and which are to take part in the Championship / League 1 play-offs and the League 1 / League 2 play-offs.
League 2
• In the event that any club in League 2 has not completed 18 fixtures by Friday 23 April, the SPFL would not produce post-split fixtures for League 2. League 2 would instead automatically become an 18-game competition for season 2020/21. The remaining available dates between 23 April and the start of the play-offs would be used to ensure that all clubs in League 2 have played 18 fixtures. It is recognised and accepted that this may mean that some League 2 clubs could have a break in excess of two weeks before competing in the League 1 / League 2 play-offs.
• In the event that all clubs in League 2 have completed 18 fixtures by Friday 23 April, the SPFL would produce post-split fixtures for League 2. If all League 2 post-split fixtures cannot be completed by Thursday 6 May, the final standings in League 2 will be calculated on a points-per-game basis. These standings will determine which League 2 clubs are promoted and which are to take part in the League 1 / League 2 play-offs as well as any potential Highland / Lowland League play-off.
• If any club in League 2 cannot fulfil 18 fixtures by Thursday 6 May, final standings will be calculated on a points-per-game basis.
The SPFL Board has agreed to delay the play-off competitions between the Championship, League 1 and League 2. Instead of these competitions commencing on Wednesday 5 May, they will now commence on Saturday 8 May, thereby freeing up an additional mid-week fixture date.
League 1 and League 2 clubs have also agreed with the SPFL Board that the maximum ‘density’ of the fixture schedule, regardless of the number of outstanding fixtures a club might have, will be Saturday-Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday, i.e., not more than 4 League Matches in any 8 consecutive days.
SPFL Company Secretary Calum Beattie said: “Since the suspension of League 1 and 2 matches was lifted by the Scottish FA on 2 March, we have been in near-constant communication with the club representatives that make up the League 1 and 2 Steering Group. Those discussions have been very productive with everyone working extremely hard to develop a proposition that is agreeable to all parties.
“Although the recommendation from the SPFL Board was that an 18-match season was the most practicable option, we fully recognise and respect the desire from clubs in Leagues 1 and 2 to aim for 22 games.
“I am pleased we have now reached an agreement that I hope will be approved by the clubs in the coming days.”