Heart of Newhaven is two years old

On the last Monday in January two years ago the Heart of Newhaven Community was launched with great enthusiasm at a crowded public meeting in Victoria Primary School.

One year ago, on the cusp of their bid being accepted to purchase the site from The City of Edinburgh Council under Scotland’s Community Empowerment Act, they had little idea of the extra challenge ahead, as progress on building the new school was put back by Covid-19.

Rodney Matthews Chair of Heart of Newhaven said: “Undaunted, we are developing many ideas.

“See our website for all the updates on these. By this time next year we aim for a Community hub bustling with activity: an inter-generational centre of space and events. From early years learning to wellbeing services, artists’ studios, innovative workshops, garden spaces and a heritage suite, tourism opportunities, everything will express the culture of Newhaven.

“We have already been awarded important grants. But many ask, “How can I help?”

“Fittingly on St Valentine’s Day we will launch a public crowd-finding appeal to help meet major initial costs. Everyone can help create this exciting better normal.”
