Drainage issue closes James Gillespie’s Primary School tomorrow – for some pupils

This is a letter which the headteacher of James Gillespie’s has been sent out to parents and carers this evening. The school will be closed to some pupils tomorrow.

Dear parents and carers

We are experiencing a drainage issue in the school. This means the class rooms are out of use for children in the following classes

  • P1 (all classes)
  • P2 (all classes)
  • P3 (all classes) and
  • P4C only (not other P4 classes)

Children in these classes above should not come to school on Friday 20th November 2020. Children can access home learning at https://jamesgillespiesprimary.co.uk/home-learning-grids-for-school-closures/  We plan to fully re-open on Monday 23rd November for all classes.

Please check Twitter @weeunicorns  for updates. We apologise for the inconvenience.

The following classes should come to school as normal on Friday 20th November 2020. P4A, P4B, P5 (all classes) P6 (all classes) and P7 (all classes)

Staff who normally work in P1, P2, P3 and P4C (not other P4s) should work from home on Friday 20th November.

Yours Sincerely

Colin McLean

Head Teacher