Coronavirus – today’s figures
At St Andrew’s House today the First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, has just announced the latest figures for today, 20 October 2020, detailing the number of people diagnosed with Covid-19 in the last 24 hours.
The First Minister stressed today that if you have symptoms you must self-isolate and book a test immediately. She also explained that the support of £40 million available for businesses needing financial help is on local authority websites from this morning. She urges them to apply for that grant fund. Ms Sturgeon flagged up that she will update the position regarding hospitality businesses tomorrow after the cabinet meeting.
With regard to testing figures, the figures reported on Sunday were unusually low, due to some tests being done by UK labs and others by NHS labs, but the First Minister said all test results should have filtered through in the numbers by tomorrow. The Scottish Government will do ‘anything and everything they can’ to expand this testing capacity. The testing system is according to Ms Sturgeon working well and stresses the importance of self-isolating until a negative test result is delivered.
The figures as at 20 October 2020 are as follows:
Number of new cases of Covid-19 reported in Scotland today – 1,456 new cases which is 19.9% of those newly tested and 11.4% of the total number of tests carried out.
The number of deaths reported today of people who have tested positive within the last 28 days – 15 which means a total of 2,625 deaths under that measurement.
Number of people in Intensive Care Units in Scotland – 69 (8 more than yesterday)
Number of people in hospital with recently confirmed Covid-19 – 824 up 70 since yesterday
Public Health Scotland confirmed that the number of new cases in Lothian is 198
The total number of cases in Scotland is now 49,164.