The Floral Clock 2020 has a message thanking all key workers

It is important to say thank you and Edinburgh is taking its best opportunity to say thank you by dedicating the Floral Clock to the NHS and all Key Workers this year.

The Rt Hon Lord Provost Frank Ross welcomed some workers from NHS Lothian and Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership to Princes Street Gardens this morning to show them the clock.

Photo: Martin P. McAdam

The Lord Provost said: “Every year we try and come up with a design for the historic Floral Clock to recognise some special activity or event or contribution to the city. This year the Parks and Greenspace team have come up with a great design to recognise the contribution and to pay tribute to the work of the NHS, the care workers and key workers in the city.

“The Floral Clock specifically mentions the NHS and key workers, but also allows us to recognise the work of lots of other groups in the city who have been involved during the pandemic. This includes shop workers, shelf stackers, volunteers to council workers who have continued to keep the waste team going, to teachers working from home to make sure that our children continue to receive an education.

“So while we mention key workers and NHS this is bigger than that. I would encourage as many citizens as possible to come and visit the clock and then perhaps take some time to sit in Princes Street Gardens afterwards to reflect on the message.”

Photo: Martin P. McAdam

David Dorward and Tam McKirdy have worked hard on the design over the last few weeks to produce the message of thanks.

The design was to be a commemoration of the 350th anniversary of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, but they kindly agreed to the message being changed.

Lord Provost and the Gardening Team at the Floral Clock. Photo: Martin P. McAdam