Port of Leith Distillery – making gel not gin

We have probably all heard the stories about various companies producing hand sanitiser, some with more success than others.

The hand sanitiser which Port of Leith Distillery are producing is destined for local frontline bodies to use in their daily routines.

The distillery are donating the product to the various outlets – they are not selling it to the general public. (Which is a pity as it is dispensed in one of their gorgeous 70cl bottles.) Their Facebook page is full of pictures that children have sent them to say thank you.

From the Port of Leith Distillery Facebook page

To get hold of one of these lovely bottles you will have to buy some of their gin – and this will of course help them to keep on producing the much needed sanitiser.

Now they have paused gin production while they concentrate on producing the hand gel, all in accordance with the World Health Organisation recipe, since many other suppliers have run out.


The company sees this as an opportunity to provide a service to the NHS, care homes, police, council workers and many others who need to use the hand gel.

They cannot send it by courier to anywhere else in the country so it is only available for collection, and that is done by arrangement.


When things go back to normal founders Paddy and Ian will then proceed with their plans for building a whisky distillery.

Photo courtesy of Port of Leith Distillery