Musselburgh Racecourse issues refunds for May meetings

UK racing suspended until 1 June

The British Horseracing Authority (BHA) has extended the suspension of all UK racing which was introduced on 18 March in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.

They have also confirmed that no racing will take place with spectators until at least 1 June.

Inlight of this announcement racegoers who have pre-booked tickets forMusselburgh Racecourse’s meetings on 1 and 11 May will be contacted by emailand issued refunds and hospitality clients will be contacted directly.

TheEast Lothian track is monitoring the situation regarding its flagship summermeeting, Stobo Castle Ladies Day, which is scheduled to take place on Saturday6 June. A decision regarding Ladies Day will be made as soon as the BHA havemade an announcement regarding race meetings in June.

Whilethe racecourse office remains closed, a small team are working from home andwill be processing all refunds as soon as possible. Maintenance of the racetrack continues, ensuring we are ready to race as soon as it is possible to doso.

MusselburghRacecourse Senior Operations and Commercial Manager, Sarah Montgomery, said: “Thisis without doubt the most challenging of times for the racing industry and wewould like to thank everyone for their continued support and patience at thistime.”

Fornews updates please check our website and social media channels on Facebook,Twitter and Instagram.




Uk racing is suspended, Musselburgh issues refunds for May meetings.