Scottish Arts Club offer Meals on Wheels service to members

If any members of the Scottish Arts Club on Rutland Square have to self-isolate then they can call upon the club to deliver meals to them.

If anyone who is a member wants to take up the offer then they need to advise this as soon as possible as the service from chef Steve will depend on uptake. It is an example however of a club repurposing itself for its members.

The building at Rutland Square will remain open only during the day from Friday 20 March 2020. All events have been cancelled, and while basic lunches will be provided these may be served in lunchboxes, all in an effort to ensure the health and safety of members and staff.

What the club administration really hope to do is use the building as a command centre for their members. They will be setting up a social media group and keeping in touch with members by sending photos, news and tips.

While it will not be possible for anyone to view exhibitions at the club, photos of art for sale will be posted on the SAC website or Facebook Group in an effort to sustain the artists.

They are also asking for donations from members to try and maintain staff wages for the meantime.