Fishing – Dunbar venue for latest Bass Rock SAL match

Bass Rock Sea Angling League host the fourth round of the Winter League at Dunbar on Wednesday, November 6.

Anglers can fish where they wish on both breakwaters or in between and registration is 6.30pm at The Fort.

This is a measure match so you need another angler near you to mark your card.

High tide, by the way, is just after 10pm and Craig Ogilvie, chairman, said: “I hope to see all your friendly faces at registration.”

New members are always welcome.

Meanwhile, The Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (IFCA) have introduced new regulations for bass fishing.

From November 1 to December 31 fishermen using all methods of recreational fishing from a boat or from the shore must return their bass.

A spokesman said: “Any European seabass caught must be returned immediately. Bass must be handled carefully to ensure a high survival rate of released fish.

“Anglers are advised to carry forceps or long-nosed pliers to assist removal of hooks and to support fish in the water until they are able to swim away.”