Social Bite Products Find A Home At Scotmid

Social Bite, the social enterprise dedicated to ending
homelessness in Scotland, has entered into its first retail partnership with

This means branded products, normally only available
directly from Social Bite, will now be for sale initially in Scotmid stores in
Stockbridge – Raeburn Place and Hamilton Place.

The partnership is an exciting move for Social Bite,
providing an opportunity for more people to sample the quality range of healthy
handmade produce, and at the same time drawing attention to the broader work of
the enterprise.

Jane Bruce, CEO of Social Bite Scotland, said: “Scotmid has
been a staunch supporter of Social Bite from the early days, sharing our vision
and passion for improving lives. By stocking Social Bite branded sandwiches,
wraps and salad boxes Scotmid is reaffirming its commitment to the quality of
our food and the validity of our mission.

“Social Bite started as a single sandwich shop, and we
remain passionate about great food.”

Kevin Plant, Scotmid’s Head of Food Retail, said: “It is
fantastic to see the next chapter in our ongoing friendship with Social Bite
come to life and we’re incredibly proud to become the first stockists of Social
Bite’s products.

“As a community retailer, Social Bite’s cause really
resonates with our members and customers and matches our core purpose, which is
to serve our communities and improve people’s everyday lives.

“So we’re excited about introducing these products and
certain they will prove to be popular additions to our in-store range available
at our stores in Stockbridge – Raeburn Place and Hamilton Place.”

In addition to its cafes and restaurant, Social Bite continues to be instrumental in changing attitudes and policy towards homelessness with its mass fundraising events, the largest Housing First campaign in the UK and the innovative Social Bite Village in Granton where Scotmid sponsored the Community Hub.

Image caption (left to right): Scotmid Head of Food Kevin
Plant, Social Bite CEO Jane Bruce, Scotmid Local Sourcing Manager Kirsty George