Rose Cousins coming to the Voodoo Rooms next month

Rose Cousins returns to the UK next month on the tail of a new single, a cover of Prince’s I would die 4 U, and starts her tour at the Voodoo Rooms on 9th October.

The single features England’s own Bear’s Den and Dutch
artist Christof van der Ven, who were serendipitously in Toronto on a day off
from tour while Rose was in studio making her upcoming record.

Rose said: “Prince died on my birthday. He was bigger than
life and yet so utterly, humanly vulnerable. Everyone has their own
relationship with his music; I find his story and talent fascinating and his
death tragic.

“This particular song fits the theme of the record so well
and when I knew the boys were in town I could hear us all singing it. We had no
idea we’d all be in town at the same time until two nights before when I was at
their show in Boston. I’m such a fan of these guys and I’m so pleased we got to
collaborate again.”

Originally from Prince Edward Island, Rose Cousins lives in
Halifax, NS, Canada when she’s not touring internationally. Fueled by
collaboration she deeply values being part of multiple music communities.

In addition to touring, she regularly travels to Nashville,
Los Angeles, Toronto to write with other artists and for film and television.
An avid photographer herself, Rose has become known for artistic collaborations
with filmmakers, photographers, painters, and other diverse artists.

Her album artwork features her own photography, all videos
associated with Natural Conclusion were created by East Coast filmmakers,
including one she made herself and her merchandise includes original paintings
by friend and Toronto artist, Jamie Ashforth.

Rose continued: “Serendipity brought myself, Andrew, Kevin
(Bear’s Den) and Christof van der Ven together in Toronto, them on a day off
from tour and me in the city recording. We realized the potential magical
collision during an aftershow hang in Boston a couple day prior.

I was reminded of this song when it came on at the end of a
movie I watched within days of recording it. I could hear us all singing it.

“The track is really a result of the collaborative spirit
which drives just about everything I do. It was recorded in Toronto at Union
Sound Company by Chris Stringer. Christof van der Ven, an amazing artist
himself, plays in Bear’s Den and sings the highest part on this track, Andrew
Davie takes the middle and Kevin Jones, the low, along with playing the guitar

“I love how simple the track is and how maybe it sheds light
on the song from a different angle. So wonderful to just have the vocals be the
highlight of the track.

“Community and connection are my favourite things about
being a songwriter and performer and I love that Bear’s Den and I finally got
to make something together after hitting it off at the Edmonton Folk Festival
in 2014. Christof and I played a show together in London, UK in 2012. I love
how connections circle back around. I hope the track lets people hear this
amazing song again for the first time and that they dig deeper into our
respective catalogues while revisiting their favourite Prince tracks. (In 2020
I’ll release a full project called Bravado. This track fits perfectly within
that theme. )

09th Oct. Voodoo Rooms, Edinburth.

10th Oct. Kitchen Garden Café, Birmingham.

11th Oct. St Pancras Old Church, London.

13th Oct. The Stables, Milton Keynes.

15th Oct. Oporto, Leeds.

16th Oct. The Cluny 2, Newcastle.

17th Oct. St Mary’s Creative Space, Chester.

18th Oct. Crofters Rights, Bristol

20th Oct. The Railway Inn Bar, Winchester.