Local MSP welcomes promise of a new school in Currie

The local MSP Gordon Macdonald has welcomed news that Currie Community High School is set to be upgraded and modernised in the First Phase of The Scottish Government’s New Learning Estate Investment Programme.

This is part of a nationwide £1 billion investment programme and The Scottish Government will contribute funding of between £220 million and £275 million in partnership with local authorities to replace 26 schools, with a further phase of investment to be announced within 12 months.

Gordon Macdonald, said:“I am delighted to see that Currie Community High School is going to be part of the first phase of new schools and campuses across Scotland.

“We need to make sure that our schools are inspirational and nurturing places for learning and this investment will have a real impact on the experience of pupils, teachers and parents at Currie, as well as the wider communities they serve.

“It really shows the Scottish Government’s commitment to education and their understanding of the significant role that the facilities play in each person’s learning.

“I look forward to what will be a world-class learning environment at Currie Community High School, and the WHEC and Balerno being included in future rounds of expenditure.”

Tackling the climate emergency is central to Scotland’s new Learning Estates Strategy, with lessons learned from previous education infrastructure projects informing future construction to create low carbon digitally enabled schools and campuses. Scottish Futures Trust will manage the programme on behalf of the Scottish Government. The first projects in this phase could open as soon as 2022-23.