Edinburgh Licensing Forum is looking for recruits
Edinburgh Licensing Forum is looking for new members.
The Forum keeps the liquor licensing system in Edinburgh under regular review and it also stimulates debate on any pertinent issues.
There should be a maximum of 21 members of the Forum, maintaining a balance wherever possible between community representatives and trade representatives.
Now the council is seeking at least six members to represent the community, including a member to represent each of:the four localities and the city centre (ward 11).
They also want to recruit at least six members from the licensed trade – both on and off-sales.
You must be genuinely interested in liquor licensing in Edinburgh and be able to consider data and statistics which relate to it. The other desirable qualities are that members will respond to consultations from the council and national government, and advise the Licensing Board on matters – although not on specific or individual licensing applications.
It is best if you are enthusiastic, committed, able to be part of a team and to contribute to group discussions.
Members are usually appointed for three years and a third of the forum is reappointed on a rolling basis every three years too.
The commitment is to attend six meetings a year and a joint meeting of the Forum and Board once a year.
Training is provided.
Return the expression of interest form (DOCX) by 22 September 2019 if you are interested in becoming a member.
Email it to isla.burton@edinburgh.gov.uk or post it to
Isla Burton
Room 4:19
City Chambers
253 High Street