Councillor compares city street to moon surface

Councillor Scott Arthur is not alien to taking on the council where he believes it has fallen short. Today he has combined his own engineering skills (he is a Dean of Social Sciences and Humanities at Heriot-Watt University) with a way to get the message across to the council about a street in his ward.

Presumably he has a bit of time on his hands during recess and university holidays as he is building a lunar landing module in Lego (with set 10266 in case you need to know) to commemorate the important anniversary this week of Neil Armstrong landing on the moon.

The moon surface supplied with the kit was not quite good enough so Cllr Arthur decided that Bonaly Drive was more realistic as the Sea of Tranquility where Apollo 11 landed half a century ago. He admitted : “Before anyone asks, I reported the road surface a few weeks ago. You can report road, footpath and cycle path defects here.

His son made the globe in this photo here – but does anyone have a city street which is better than Bonaly Drive that he could use as a moon surface?