Police investigate ‘aggressive and homophobic’ comments on train

A police investigation is underway after a group of drunk men and a woman made offensive comments on board a ScotRail train.

The incident happened on board the 4.09pm service travelling between Edinburgh Waverley and Armadale on 16 June. 

The comments were sexually aggressive and were homophobic in nature. 

One of the witnesses on board the service was so intimidated they got off at one of the stations along the route and waited for the next train. 

The group, consisting of four men and one women, were of Polish nationality. 

Officers would like to speak with anyone else who was on board this train and witnessed what happened.

You can contact BTP by sending a text to 61016 or by calling 0800 40 50 40 quoting reference 325 of 16/06/2019.