Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2019 – Ogg ‘n’ Ugg ‘n’ Dogg

Hail Ogg ‘n’ Ugg! Heroes! Inventors of the dog!

2018 winner of Primary Times Children’s Choice Award, Theatre Fideri Fidera present their new comic play for all ages which takes on the amazing evolutionary process that transformed wolf into man’s best friend.  Using their characteristic rich mix of theatrical forms including physical comedy, clowning, puppetry, music and song, Ogg ‘n’ Ugg ‘n’ Dogg is the show for families and dog lovers, old and young.

Set 10,000 years ago in the fresh, sparkling new world just after the Ice Age, there were no dogs – there were wolves, but we didn’t like them and they didn’t like us.  But then along came Yorkshire hunter gatherers Ogg ‘n’ Ugg to pal up with the wolves, turn them into our best friends, and save us all from a life of doglessness!  Audiences can expect flying meat bones, sabre-toothed tigers, time-travelling sticks, loads of scary howls, and – if they’re lucky – even a chance to pat Dogg! 

Ogg ‘n’ Ugg plan to bring the dogs of Edinburgh together with various dog-related free outdoor events.  Can your dog find its inner wolf?  What will happen when today’s dogs hear recordings of wolves – will they howl or bark?  

Ogg ‘n’ Ugg ‘n’ Dogg is at Gilded Balloon Teviot (Dining Room) as part of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

It runs from Wednesday 31st July – Monday 26th August (not 7th, 14th, 21st), at 12:30pm. Book tickets here.