European Parliamentary Elections 2019 – Scottish Liberal Democrats claim a vote for them will Stop Brexit
Earlier today there was a photo call on Mound Place outside New College where the General Assembly is taking place.
Nothing to do with the Assembly, but it was of note. For the second time in a week, Sir Vince Cable leader of the Liberal Democrats visited Edinburgh in the lead up to the European Parliamentary Elections 2019.
Sir Vince was categoric in his stance. He said : “We are campaigning hard across the UK and we are getting a groundswell of support. I think there is a very powerful movement in the UK that we remain in the European Union. We can do well in Scotland and represent that point of view. It is crystal clear that the Liberal Democrats are the party of Remain. Our support has being growing in recent weeks because we have a simple message: stop Brexit.
“From massive gains at the local elections to fresh support from lifelong Conservative and Labour supporters, Liberal Democrats are on the rise.
“Here in Scotland, Remainers can stop the Brexit party in their tracks by electing a Liberal Democrat.”
Willie Rennie leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats said : “The polls are showing that the Liberal Democrats are rising. There are more and more people from right across the political spectrum including people who’ve never voted for us before who are backing us in this election. And they’re backing us because they want to Stop Brexit.
“The more people who back us the more MEPs who are elected the greater chance we’ve got of stopping Brexit.”
Is he talking about revoking Article 50 or a further referendum? He continued : “I think what is important is that people bring this to an end. And the best way is to have a People’s Vote. All we had in 2016 were slogans on the side of a bus. Now that we have the details let the people decide if it’s good enough for our country.”