At the Patrick Geddes Centre in March

7 March 2019 12-15-3.00pm and 6.00pm to 6.45pm A beginners guide to Geddes. Who was he? Join the Centre under the stunning ceiling to learn about the life and legacy of this important Scot.

The beautiful ceiling in the Geddes Room at Riddle’s Court

Folk & Roots The Ambrose Music Club 26 March 2019 7.30pm £14.50 includes a simple bowl supper. The duelling fiddles of The Ambrose house Band return with a relaxed evening of special guests, music, song, chat and stories. Tickets on Eventbrite.

27 March 2019 10.00am to 4.00pm £30 includes lunch Study Day – Mackie and the Evergreens A special day exploring the recently acquired first editions looking at their context, ideas and traditional handcraft production.

27 March 2019 4.00pm to 6.00pm Evening Walk and Talk Women and Geddes. Walking tour visiting some of the 19th century sites where women led social movements and Patrick Geddes’ sociological experiments began.

28 March 2019 9.30am to 4.30 pm £35 Symposium – Women Led Social Change

Dr Darling, a reader in Architectural History at Oxford Brookes University, will draw on her research into women reformers in late Victorian and Edwardian Edinburgh to consider how gender informed the practice of urban and social reform in Edinburgh’s

Old Town. Dr Reid’s research concerns Scottish gardening women (1800-1903) and their impact on social change.

A full agenda for the day is available at Eventbrite