10 male models wanted for clinical trial

Ten ordinary guys are being offered the unique opportunity to get free cosmetic treatment from Scotland’s face and body experts.

Men aged 25-55 are being called upon by multi award-winning Dermal Clinic in Edinburgh to take part in a clinical trial, which will use dermal fillers to reduce the lines that run from the side of the nose to corner of the mouth.

The appeal for models has been issued by renowned cosmetic nurse and Clinical Director Jackie Partridge – who wants ‘normal’ guys interested in receiving treatment to apply.

She said: “These are the types of treatments which are routine for lots of patients, using fully-approved medical products which have been around for years.

“However, the numbers of men undergoing such treatments is still very small by comparison. Younger men might be more comfortable undergoing cosmetic procedures, but they tend not to have these lines which get more pronounced with age.

“There is a generation of middle-aged men who perhaps have never considered cosmetic treatment – and are now under pressure from their significant others who have had Botox or fillers themselves and are delighted with the results.

“We want to do this trial to show exactly what positive – and natural looking – results can be achieved. The kind of results that really boost self-confidence.

“Simply put, this is an amazing chance for willing men to get a free treatment that would otherwise cost hundreds of pounds. We’re hoping that it will appeal to guys who may have never even considered cosmetic treatments until now.”

Jackie Partridge of Dermal Clinic

Those interested in coming in for assessment should have had no Botox treatments since May 2018 and no dermal fillers injected into their face since November 2017. Willing participants must also be clean shaven.

They will also be required to attend Dermal Clinic in Morningside on five separate occasions after an initial assessment. The only other criteria are that they should be in generally good health.

All treatment will be carried out by Jackie – a renowned campaigner and Programme Board Member for the Scottish Government’s ongoing regulation of independent clinics.

She regularly travels all over the world to provide expert training for fellow practitioners, doctors, nurses, dentists and plastic surgeons.

Jackie added: “I think it’s important for men to see real results – not the sort of extreme makeover you might see in the media – so they can make informed decisions.

“Of course, there are plenty of men who are totally comfortable with how they look and that is fantastic, but there are those who maybe be self-conscious or even uncomfortable with aspects of their appearance.

“For those men, we want to show them that subtle and appropriate differences can be achieved with simple procedures, helping to give them back their confidence. Look better, feel better.”

The clinical trial will begin in November. Interested participants must send a picture of their face, clean shaven and not smiling, and contact number to