Review – The Establishment: Fool Britannia ****
Dan Lees and Neil Frost take you back to school for a very abridged and extremely silly history lesson.
The Establishment return to Edinburgh with the school day condensed into an hour and what a very silly sixty minutes it is. If you like Monty Python, Vic & Bob or the Mighty Boosh then you will like this. If you think two men spouting nonsense at each other and barely managing not to laugh at themselves is a waste of your time then don’t go to see it. I howled with laughter and am very glad I saw this.
The show starts with the school’s headmaster (Dan Lees in fine form) taking assembly before introducing a supply teacher to a class. Neil Frost manages to play the part perfectly; he looks and acts like every supply teacher you ever took the mick out of as a child, even down to the leather elbow patches.
While Lees stays in part as the headmaster, Frost plays every other part during the show, including a scarily accurate yet alluring dinner lady to the best dragon you will see this August. During the show we have a history lesson, drama, games and science and I definitely felt more learned by the time I left.
This is not a participation show but the audience are encouraged to join in. However, both Frost and Lees can deal with heckles and over enthusiastic crowd members, mending them to their will and the material.
They are both very funny men and if you can take a trip back to the classroom with them in Fool Britannia.