Edinburgh councillor blogs – Councillor Maureen Child

Councillor Maureen Child is the Labour councillor for Portobello/Craigmillar. Here she scours her inbox for news about her ward :

As promised at our last Portobello/Craigmillar Neighbourhood Partnership Meeting, and reported in the latest Castlebrae Community High School’s bulletin, http://www.castlebrae.org.uk/frontpage/replacement-castlebrae-display-craigmillar-library/, there’s a small presentation of the work done so far on the architect’s plans for their replacement high school building.

A small display is in Craigmillar Library until the end of May.  And next Wednesday, 16 May from 4.30pm – 7.30pm, members of the project team from the City of Edinburgh Council and the architects will be at the Library to respond to queries about the progress to date. If you can’t go at that time, but have do a query, you can contact replacementcastlebrae@edinburgh.gov.uk

The formal statutory consultation on the choice of site for the school – in Craigmillar Town Centre, right next to the East Local Office – has been completed and will be reported to the next Education Committee: https://consultationhub.edinburgh.gov.uk/cf/replacementcastlebrae/


Two weeks to go!  Do please join in The Big Walk’s Team Scotland for a celebration of community in Portobello!  That’s on Saturday 26 May from 10.30am to 2pm.  Team Scotland are setting off from Morecombe Bay next Wednesday – 16 May – and will spend three weeks walking the country, ending up in Dundee on 3 June.  They will be shining a light on our Portobello Community on 26 May and this is the biggest of their community visits.  They are showcasing the fantastic work of many local organisations through an array of community stalls and activities.  They are also inviting as many people as possible to join in and do the kinds of things vibrant communities like ours do together – cleaning up the beach together, singing together, playing games and having fun together, and eating together in a Big Beach Plastic-Free Picnic.  It promises to be fun for everyone.  Beach wheelchairs will be available, so to reserve one, do let the team know.  Any other questions, or to have a stall for your community group, contact Linda Gill at lgill@edenproject.com or phone Linda on 07703 189 049.  Please do sign up for updates and say you are coming: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-big-walk-2018-comes-to-portobello-tickets-44839034760?utm-medium=discovery&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&aff=escb&utm-source=cp&utm-term=listing


How do we ensure our boys grow up to be the best they can be?  Local resident and life coach Emma Dempsey is offering a two hour session exploring ways of nurturing boys. More here:



David Calder’s latest Porty Podcast is about Tribe Porty.  Well worth a listen, as always, and this is his 74th!


Lots and lots going on at Tribe Porty tomorrow as they open doors in what used to be Earthy for a Spring Party from 1pm to 4 pm at 19 Windsor Place. So much going on this weekend!


Local artist and resident Peter Jones’ fabulous paintings of local shops and houses is going into print, with his fans support.  See more here: https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/portobello-a-book-of-paintings-by-peter-jones/?


This afternoon and tomorrow there is the very first Syrian Art Festival at Craigmillar Library with art workshops, story telling, music, films, exhibitions, author readings, children’s activities. 11-12 May.  That’s today, Friday 2pm-4pm and Saturday 11am-5pm.  All are very welcome to join in, make new acquaintances, and get to know more of the culture of our Syrian friends.


I was devastated to learn of the appalling attack on one of our Syrian friends, Shabaz Ali who works in Portobello.  His family and friends are deeply grateful for the love, support and solidarity they have been offered by Edinburgh citizens.  If you would like to contribute to the support fund for our friend Shabaz, the link is here:https://mydonate.bt.com/events/saynotoracism/464056


A reminder that Joppa Tennis Community Club have their Open Day this Saturday 1.30pm-5pm and Coffee Morning at St Mark’s Church on Saturday 10am-12noon and the Spring Clean Up in Brighton and Rosefield Parks’

Girls-Only Soccer at Portobello High School AstroTurf every Tuesday and Thursday 4-5pm.  Doesn’t matter whether you support Hibs or Hearts, kicking a ball around skilfully is fun and playing as part of any team is a life lesson we all need to keep on learning.  P1-P3 and P4-P7 £2.50 per session. Call 0131 656 7062 to book or go online towww.hiberniancommunityfoundation.org.uk


A Craigmillar Tapestry event next Wednesday morning offers a great opportunity to see some Craigmillar archives, including some from the personal collection of Craigmillar Festival’s Helen Crummy.  This archive is currently stored safely at Thistle. Helen’s son, Andrew Crummy (The Great Tapestry of Scotland fame)  has an exhibition of his drawings and will speak about  the Craigmillar Tapestry project. Do go along, if you possibly can! The making of the Craigmillar Tapestry has huge potential in bringing local people together to reminisce and celebrate the history of Craigmillar and capture the changing face of a growing, diverse community. Work has already begun on the Tapestry, and we hope this event is the start of a meaningful conversation to move the project forward. That’s Wednesday 16 May 10am-12noon. Contact is Dani Waddell 07909 257 415 for more information.


An entry for community groups in ‘Your Edinburgh’ can help reach a wider audience. It’s quick and easy to add a free listing for your club or society. Click here:  http://www.youredinburgh.info/kb5/edinburgh/cd/home.page


Councillor Maureen Child | Labour Elected Member | Portobello/Craigmillar (Ward 17) | The City of Edinburgh Council | City Chambers | High Street | Edinburgh | EH1 1YJ | Tel 0131 529 3268 | Mobile 07718 666 481 |  Twitter @MaureenChild1 | Facebook Maureen Child for Portobello/Craigmillar