Hutchison Community Centre under threat of closure

Hutchison Chesser Community Council say that the Hutchison Chesser Community Centre, in the grounds of St Cuthbert’s School, is now needing extensive repairs if it has any real chance of a future.

The Community Council website claims : “The Centre is currently underused and needs an injection of interest, support and funding in order to continue.”

At an extra community council meeting in January the problems were discussed, but it now seems that the centre management want to vacate the premises.

Local councillors Gavin Corbett, Andrew Johnston and David Key offered support to the community council at their January meeting, but said that the centre would have to be used much more to get any funding from the council. (See Councillor Corbett’s newsletter below.)

The outcome of recent discussions will be on the agenda for the next meeting of the Hutchison Chesser Community Council tomorrow 12 February 2018 at 7.30 pm in St Cuthbert’s School.

Anyone from the local community who is interested in helping to save the Centre is invited to attend the next meeting on 12 February to email the community council as soon as soon as possible.


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