Theatre – Explore life after 50 with The Flames


Following the success of projects including Out of the Dark, a theatre-based Mental Health venture for people over 50, and Unusual Places to Dance, an 18 month project with CACE (Older People, Active Lives) and Cumbernauld Theatre, Tricky Hat Productions will present a bold and vibrant multi-media performance by The Flames.

Produced by Tricky Hat and founded in 2016 as part of Luminate Festival, The Flames are a Glasgow based Theatre Company formed exclusively for creative people over 50 who produce work to challenge pre-conceived ideas of how older people think, and what they aspire to.

Combining performance with original music and striking audio and visual design, The Flames take inspiration from everyday life, making the extraordinary out of the ordinary.


Photo credits – Jassy Earl

Combining live music, film projections, and devised theatre, The Flames will explore and challenge life after fifty. This work will present a fresh look at how we approach ageing.

The evening will allow The Flames to present the culmination of five weeks of explorative, bold, and intimate work.


Tricky Hat Productions, Glasgow presents The Flames at CCA in Glasgow

Directed by Fiona Miller Music Composed by Mick Slaven Audio Visual Design by Kim Beveridge | October 4 2017 at 3pm and 7pm.