Finally – a plan for the capital

The coalition agreement between the SNP and Labour groups of elected members at the City of Edinburgh Council has now (eventually) been published.

It was signed just after the General Election which got in the way of any formal agreement being made, and the details have not been made known until now.

The 52 commitments will form the basis for discussion at next week’s meeting of the full council, and the coalition hopes the document will be a platform for running the council over the next four and a half years.

The commitments are grouped around six themes :

  • Delivering an economy for all – local jobs, growth, and affordable housing

  • Building for a future Edinburgh – a planning system that works to protect and develop our city

  • Delivering a sustainable future – a better environment and transport system that works for all

  • Delivering for our children and families – improving lives and futures

  • Delivering a healthier city for all ages – strong and vibrant communities

  • Delivering a Council that works for all – more empowered, transparent, and improved public services

The 52 pledges or promises include matters such as the introduction of a Homeless Champion, exploring fair rent zones, prioritising brownfield sites, engaging with developers to  and reviewing the council’s policy on promoting what it describes as ‘mixed communities’. This last topic relates to houses in multiple occupancy, student housing and short term temporary lets.

The council promises to spend £100 million on roads and pavements within this administrative term which ends in 2022. They plan for more pedestrian zones and will spend a guaranteed 10% of the transport budget on cycling. They will reduce pavement clutter and tackle on pavement parking.

In the other important area of education 2 new secondary schools and 10 new primary schools are promised and the council will improve access to libraries.

All of this will play out within an overarching strategy of reducing poverty, inequality and deprivation.

Council Leader, Adam McVey, said: “Edinburgh is recognised as one of the world’s most successful and prosperous cities and we have many strengths to build upon. Yet we know that if we are to maintain these successes, and meet the many challenges we face, the city needs a Council that shows strong leadership.

“By publishing this plan today, we are outlining what we’re aiming to achieve with the ambitious 52 commitments we’ve made to the city.

“We’re now working to deliver measurable progress on a range of areas across health, education, transport, environment and housing to make Edinburgh the best capital city it can be for everyone.”

Depute Leader, Cammy Day, added: “We are demonstrating a commitment to improve our services and our amenities in ways that meet the needs of our residents, while devolving decision-making to local communities as far as possible.

“We have identified key areas to focus on, including the construction of 20,000 affordable new homes, delivering a tram to Newhaven, improving waste services and investing £100m in our roads.

“We are committed to working together with local people, businesses and the voluntary sector. Together, we will move Edinburgh forward for the benefit of the city and its people, with decision-making that shows we are listening to public opinion.”

You can read the whole agreement below (This is to be approved by council at their next full meeting on 24 August 2017 :

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