Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2017 – How To Suffer Better

How to Suffer Better

and performed by Amanda Miller

The Newsroom (Fringe Venue 93)
Leith Street. Edinburgh

4 -28 August (Except 14 and 21 Aug) | 13:15-14:15

Ever wondered if there is a perfect way to suffer?

In her tragicomedy, “How to Suffer Better”, New York actress and writer Amanda Miller searches for the answer after her character Celeste reads under a Snapple bottle cap the “real fact” quote: ‘We can’t stop ourselves from suffering, but we can learn how to suffer better’ shortly after discovering her fiancé having sex with her best friend in the toilet at a bar!

Though devastated after catching her scumbag, cheating fiancé in flagrante, the Snapple question intrigues and irritates resulting in determination to pursue the Snapple grail quest to find the answer to whether people can really be schooled in “suffering better”!  And so the journey begins.

Celeste decides to seek the opinion of fellow sufferers in the hunt to decode the Snapple bottle-cap factoid.

Along the way she finds a homeless man with a split personality, an octogenarian who invented a dating app, a maid longing for love, a clown enduring a bureaucratic nightmare and an angry teen who is at risk of acquiring his first criminal record after throwing a rock at Presidential Candidate Donald Trump’s head.

What is the answer? Who mastered the art of suffering best?  “Audience participation is a must when trying to solve this conundrum” says acclaimed writer-actor and comedienne Miller who not only wrote the show but also plays all six characters.


How to Suffer Better

The Newsroom (Fringe Venue 93)

Add:       5 – 11 Leith Street, Edinburgh

Dates:    4 -28 August (Except 14 and 21 Aug)

Time      13:15-14:15 (60mins)

Tickets: Free