Cash boost for adventurous play space organisation

Celebrating a cash boost at The Yard are senior fundraising officer Anna Robinson, Ross and Liddell property manager Steven Morrison and play team leader Danielle Campbell.

An Edinburgh organisation which creates exciting and adventurous play spaces for youngsters with additional support needs has been given a cash boost by a Scotland-wide community funding programme.

The Yard, which supports more than 2,000 children and their families every year, has received funding through the Ross and Liddell community bursary scheme.

Working with children and young adults – from babies and toddlers, to people in their twenties – staff and volunteers at The Yard welcome families into a safe and stimulating environment which promotes playing, learning and socialising.

Youngsters can take part in structured and non-structured play, both indoors at soft play and at the various activity stations, and outdoors in the purpose-built garden.

The funding from Ross and Liddell will be used to buy equipment and materials for family sessions and youth clubs.

Anna Robinson, a senior fundraising officer, said: “The Yard gives children and young adults with additional support needs the chance to experience play and freedom in a safe environment where they’re not judged.

“We encourage them to test their own boundaries, take small risks and be self-aware, and to spend time with their siblings and their families.”

She added: “Looking after a child with additional support needs can be very isolating for parents so it is really important that they also get the chance to socialise, knowing that the youngsters are playing safely.

“We’ve made it a home-from-home for families and it is a welcoming environment. Parents build up their own support networks and we signpost them to other organisations for additional help and support.”

The Yard runs a variety of services which includes family sessions every Friday afternoon and on Saturdays, clubs for young people aged 12 to 18, and a social club on a Saturday night for 18 to 25-year-olds.