Christmas with Councillor Joanna Mowat

JoannaMowat200x200The Edinburgh Reporter posed a number of questions to people around the city – here are some of the answers!

Are you a home bird or is this time to go on holiday? If so then where do you like to get away to?

We alternate between Edinburgh with my husband’s family or down to Sedbergh to see my family – this year it’s Sedbergh and we’re hoping for snow!

What are your family’s Christmas traditions? 

Turkey and all the trimmings – chestnut stuffing is a must (my mum’s is the best in the world and gluten free), I make a gluten free Xmas pud to my granny’s updated recipe – don’t forget the carrot, and pickled onions with the cold turkey are mandatory – even leftovers have a rota at my mum and dads – turkey sandwiches, turkey fricassee and turkey soup are non negotiable along with all the extended family for cold ham, turkey and jacket potatoes on Boxing Day

Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?

Christmas Day

What is your favourite Christmas cracker joke?

  1. What do lawyers wear in court  A. Lawsuits

What is the best Christmas song or music?

Carols and Handel’s Messiah

What is your recommendation for a Christmas box set binge?

I’ll be catching up with The Crown

What is your recommended book this Christmas?

Only one!  I shall tackle Iris Murdoch The Sea the Sea and read the highly recommended Essex Serpent by Sarah Perry

Christmas sweater or no Christmas sweater?

With bells on!