Edinburgh Marathon Festival launches new fitness programme for capital’s schoolchildren

A new fitness programme has been launched today by Edinburgh Marathon Festival (EMF) to increase fitness and wellbeing of schoolchildren in Edinburgh and the Lothians.

emfsuperactiveschoolslaunchLocal schools with the highest number of pupils entered for EMF junior races will get a certificate and a mention in the EMF newsletter.

Edinburgh Marathon Festival Race Director, Neil Kilgour said: “We are really keen to recognise and reward the achievements of the staff and pupils of local schools who have made such an effort to get more active. We are really proud that these races help make real change. After seeing the success of the Daily Mile, we realise it’s important to build on the momentum of keeping our children more active. We love encouraging kids to get involved with the EMF junior races as it provides an occasion where they can celebrate a sense of achievement as they cross the finish line.  We love rewarding effort.”

“The junior races at EMF cater for all ages and abilities, some will enter for the competition and some enter to be part of the festival feeling over the weekend. We will help them celebrate their fantastic effort with every child that crosses the finish line receiving a fantastic medal, top class t-shirt, goodybag, and a fantastic running experience.”

Has your school entered?

Find out more about how to become an EMF Super Active School at www.edinburghmarathon.com.