During the party season when is the best time to pull a sickie?

Now that the silly season has descended upon us you may occasionally have thoughts about taking time off after a night out. Well it appears that today is the best day for it….


According to market research by Attest this is the time of year when most people take time off. In November and December the best time to do it is apparently to call in with ‘stomach problems’ at 6.38am…….

The research shows that this is the perfect formula, but you should never call in on Monday or Friday as that is less believable!

Around a quarter of those who answered the survey believe it is okay to take one sick day a month and over a third think that saying you have a stomach problem is the most credible excuse.

Jeremy King, founder of Attest commented:

“The results of this research are intriguing, revealing and occasionally hilarious. From flaming jacuzzis to dogs eating car keys, we are an inventive and trusting nation when it comes to missing work. Particularly interesting is the tension between employee perceptions of good excuses and timing vs. what’s believable for bosses… looks like there’ll be a lot of bosses awaiting new excuses early on Tuesday!”

And the best excuses?

  • The cat fell down the stairs
  • Mother’s funeral (4 times in the same year)
  • The family goat is missing
  • My belly button exploded
  • I’m having a bad hair day
  • I was bitten by a tiger
  • My ceiling has fallen down