Police target anti-social behaviour in East Lothian

Police Scotland

Police have been conducting Operation Wolfcastle activity throughout Prestonpans and Musselburgh.

Between Friday October 7th and Monday October 10th, officers from the East Lothian Community Action Team and Community Wardens from East Lothian Council actively targeted specific areas where increased anti social behaviour and youth crime had been reported.

During this time a number of calls regarding youths behaving in an anti-social manner were attended, and a quantity of alcohol seized with two further youths reported for disorder offences. A number of follow up letters are to be sent to the parents of young people found to be part of groups behaving in such a manner.

Operation Wolfcastle is set to continue throughout East Lothian and communities are asked to come forward with information that can help identify anyone else involved in antisocial behaviour-related offences.

Chief Inspector Matt Paden, Local Area Commander for East Lothian said, “We recognise the profound impact these crimes can have on our communities and we have been working hard to investigate all of the incidents reported to us and bring those responsible to justice.

“We are committed to keeping East Lothian a safe place to live, work and visit and will carry out further enforcement activity as part of Operation Wolfcastle wherever and whenever it is required.

“If you would like to report ongoing antisocial behaviour or other criminal activity in your area please contact us on 101 or Alternatively East Lothian Council Anti Social Behaviour Hotline on 0845 601 8518.”