Edinburgh Fringe Review: Felicity Ward: 50% More Likely to Die ****

FelicityWardWell… 60 minutes at 100mph with Felicity Ward is one hell of a show to keep up with to carry out a concise review!

The Australian, who graces the stage dressed like she’s ready for nipping off to bed, is an open book. She’s honest and frank when discussing her experiences of anxiety disorder (which apparently can be no different whether it’s having a bad gig to being out of milk) and her methods of coping with it – often by the therapeutic apps on her phone, one of which is an air horn.

Indeed, Ward informs us, any self-doubt can be drowned out by aforementioned horn which she honks throughout the show from her mobile phone.

Ward also covers the positives and pitfalls of hypnosis, the desire to always be in control, and the meaningless stats that pop up in self-help books.  One of those struck a chord with Ward who turned it into the title of a show which has become a hit with the critics.

There’s a whiff of Ward’s own disappointment shared by the audience who feel for the star of the show when she loses her bag, and basically this very show, on a bus when heading for a short visit to Liverpool.  The powers of social media and a lovely café owning chum later…

The show is a smorgasbord of topics that leave the audience laughing loudly, with personal favourites including those dreadful daytime TV ‘make over’ shows from across the pond and her trials and tribulations of public transport.

However, the coup de grace came in the form Ward’s splendidly silly “Chicken Karaoke”, which even caused a commotion when the host forgot to bring the curtain down with a promised final number.   That was quickly rectified to allow the audience to leave wondering what they had just witnessed and no doubt go clucking all the way home.

Felicity Ward: 50% More Likely To Die – Pleasance Courtyard until 29th at 21.00.