#SP16 Iain McGill Scottish Conservative & Unionist candidate Edinburgh Northern and Leith

Iain McGill has stood for Westminster, Holyrood and the council in the past. He is a fiercely loyal Conservative activist and really wants to have the political position to make a difference.

IMG_8631Born and bred in the capital he is always campaigning for something even if there is no election in sight. He always has a smile on his face no matter what the result!

He is the owner of an employment agency and knows all too well the effects of employment law on both those who work and the bosses. He was behind David Cameron in wanting to renegotiate the EU deal, but will definitely not be voting to stay in the EU.

He told The Edinburgh Reporter : “I think this is the seventh time I am standing in a Parliamentary election. I may need to take up a new hobby as there is a wee gap now until the next parliamentary election in 2020!

“There are two strands to this election. It is quite interesting as a candidate as I can campaign on local issues and personal priorities.

“But there is a party vote and a constituency vote.

“The constituency matters which I would like to change include rough sleeping which is on the rise in Edinburgh.

“Edinburgh used to have fantastic policies and support  for folks who are homeless. It’s changed and we are seeing the effect of that on the streets now. It is entirely avoidable and I want that to be a priority for the city again.

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#SP16 Iain McGill Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party from Phyllis Stephen on Vimeo.

“The other thing comes up a lot during my day to day work and at hustings as well. Parliament passed a bill four or five years ago, the Self-Directed Support Act,  to allow the most vulnerable folks in our society to direct and choose their own support packages. This is a fantastic bill but councils across the country are not implementing that properly. Our most vulnerable folks then have to get a lawyer just to get the rights they should have.

“Speaking up and ensuring that these people get the services that they absolutely deserve, that is where my personal priorities are.

Labour have had 6 leaders in the last 8 years, and they have not landed a punch on the SNP. We need to be providing strong opposition to the SNP and holding them to account, making sure they are not passing the bad bills they are passing like the Named Person legislation, or Offensive Behaviour at Football acts.

“We should be just very much holding them to account and making sure that we don’t have that second referendum.

“People should give their vote to Ruth Davidson and the Scottish Conservatives for a strong opposition.”