What’s on in Edinburgh? Pentlands Book Festival

Hundreds of events are taking place in the upcoming Book Week Scotland, and the Pentlands Book Festival has some of the best. Where else can you hear the insights of the Director of the Edinburgh International Book Festival, and where else can you see Stevie White talking about his experience of converting James Barrie’s Peter Pan into a graphic novel.

While speaking he will also be drawing scenes or characters from the book. His collaborator, Fin Cramb, who is a colourist, will simultaneously be colouring in drawings on his laptop which will be projected on to a screen.

This fascinating event should be of interest to young people taking Art and Design or Graphic Communication, and in fact anybody with an interest in the arts in general would find it a rewarding experience.

The event, Peter Pan in Pictures’, takes place at 589 Lanark Road, Juniper Green, from 8.00 to 9.00 pm on 27 November.

Tickets are free and obtainable along with the full programme)from http://www.pentlandsbookfestival.co.uk or from Currie Library.

Submitted by Russell Salton