Scottish Interfaith Week Care for the Environment Launch

FREE PIC- Scottish Interfaith Week Care for the Environment Laun


Today in Edinburgh over 100 representatives from Scottish faith communities are gathering for the national launch of Scottish Interfaith Week.  This week there will be over 50 events across Scotland discussing this year’s theme of ‘Care for the Environment’.

Scottish faith leaders today called on their communities to take action on climate change, as is their moral duty.

In the weeks before the climate negotiations take place in Paris, it is hoped that Scotland can send our representatives off to Paris with a remit to get a binding and ambitious deal to prevent the worst aspects of climate change affecting those who have done the least to cause the problems.

Dr Maureen Sier, Director of Interfaith Scotland said:

“Interfaith dialogue builds knowledge and understanding of faith groups in Scotland. Working together we can address the most pressing issues of our time – this year we are focusing on ‘Care for the Environment’.  Today Scottish faith representatives are signing a declaration, calling for their communities to work together and take action on climate change.”

“Over 50 interfaith events have been organised across Scotland to help people of all faiths and none to engage with the issue.”

The declaration was signed in the presence of Dr Aileen McLeod, Scottish Government Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform.  Dr McLeod will be attending the UN climate change negotiations in Paris.

Climate Change Minister Aileen McLeod said:

“Faith and belief communities across Scotland make a vital contribution to our society, and interfaith dialogue has a crucial role to play in addressing the challenges we face – such as conflict, poverty or climate change. The strength of interfaith activity in Scotland is one of many ways we can channel our response to these crises, and it is only through dialogue on issues of common concern that we can build relationships and achieve our vision for a fairer and greener society.

“I very much welcome that climate change is the focus of this year’s Scottish Interfaith Week as in the run up to next month’s UN negotiations in Paris, it is important that Scotland speaks with one voice to promote the moral case for global action on climate change.”

Scottish Interfaith Week 2015 Declaration

We, representatives of Scottish faith groups are gathering today in Edinburgh to attend the national launch of Scottish Interfaith Week. During this week people of all faiths and none will meet to discuss the theme of ‘Care for the Environment’.  Climate Change is one of the most pressing environmental issues of our time. 

As people of faith we recognise the moral obligation to act on climate change.

Failure to take the necessary steps to abate climate change is having serious impacts on the poorest communities across the world.  

We are calling for people of faith in Scotland to learn more of the implications of climate change and to use their faith as a guide to action on climate change.

We implore people of faith and no faith to educate themselves on the issues by attending Scottish Interfaith Week events.  

On the occasion of Scotland’s Climate March on Saturday 28th of November in Edinburgh, we recognise our duty to stand shoulder to shoulder with our global family and call on our political leaders to agree as strong a deal as possible at the climate change negotiations in Paris in the coming weeks.

Pictures for Interfaith Scotland from Colin Hattersley Photography – 07974 957 388 – –