Firefighters attend blaze at derelict building in Merchiston Road

TER 2014_01_04 Thistle Street Fire - 17

Firefighters were called to respond to a fire in a derelict building in Edinburgh’s Merchiston Road last night .

The call was received by Operations Control at 9.42pm and three appliances (including a turntable ladder) were sent from Tollcross as well as pumps from MacDonald Road, Crewe Toll and Penicuik.

On arrival crews witnessed smoke issuing from the building and firefighters in breathing apparatus used two high pressure hose reel jets to tackle the fire.

They also carried out a search of the premises and were able to confirm there was no one inside. After the area had been dampened down they used a thermal imaging camera to check for any remaining hot spots.

The last appliance left the scene at 2.53am this morning (25 September 2015).

SFRS believes the fire was started deliberately and the incident is being investigated by Police Scotland.