Sunday in Edinburgh – What’s On Today

Belhaven-House,-East-Lothian-188,-featured-webScotland Open Gardens: Belhaven Hill School with Belhaven House. Originally called Winterfield House, the school has retained the formal garden in front of the walled garden, which is accessed through an ornate gate and archway and is laid to lawn with box-edged borders, some containing wildflowers. A gate from the playing field leads to Belhaven House Garden, which has four acres of formal Georgian gardens, walled vegetable and fruit gardens and open woodland. Owned for a while by Sir George Taylor, famous botanist and a former director of Kew. Refreshments available at the school. Both gardens are situated on Belhaven Road, Dunbar and will be open 2-5pm. £4 per person for admission to both gardens (children under 12 free), of which 40% will go to East Lothian Special Needs Play Schemes and the net remainder to SG beneficiaries.

fantastic mr foxFilmhouse Junior: films for a younger audience. This week: Fantastic Mr Fox (PG), Wes Anderson’s quirky animation of Roald Dahl’s children’s book. 11am, Filmhouse, Lothian Road. Tickets cost £4 per person, big or small, and may be purchased from the Box Office on 0131 228 2688 or online here.

NGS storytellingStorytelling: Mary, Queen of Scots. Join storytellers Fergus and Claire McNicol for an afternoon of fun stories and songs about the amazing adventures of Scotland’s most famous queen. For ages 7+. 2pm or 3pm (45 minute sessions), Scottish National Portrait Gallery, 1 Queen Street. Free: no booking required. Supported by the Friends of NGS.

beyond the veil May 2015Beyond the Veil Story Session: Prophet Ibrahim. Activities, story and snacks for children aged 5-10 years. 2-4.30pm, John Hope Gateway (West Gate), Royal Botanic Garden, Inverleith Row. £3 per child: booking is essential; please email with your name, your child’s name and age, details of any allergies your child may have, and at least one contact number. For any enquiries please contact Nasim Azed on 07795 417 030. Beyond the Veil is a Muslim Women’s Group based in Edinburgh, aiming to promote a better understanding of Islam on a basic level: ‘we believe it is through integration and partnership that understanding on a reciprocal basis can be achieved’.

freaksCameo Vintage Sundays: classic films back on the big screen. Today: Freaks (12A) – the story of a travelling circus of freaks who exact a terrible revenge on a beautiful trapeze artist and her strong-man lover after one of their number is nearly murdered for his fortune.  1pm, Cameo, Home Street. Tickets may be purchased online here or by calling the Box Office on 0871 902 5723.

Blackford-Road,-Edinburgh,-42,-featured-webjpgScotland’s Open Gardens: 20 Blackford Road. A Victorian Walled Garden designed for all year colour, structure and interest. Mature trees and box hedging with a wide range of mixed beds of shrubs and herbaceous plants. Refreshments available. 2-5pm, 20 Blackford Road, EH9 2DS. £4 per person, of which Retired Greyhoud Trust – Edinburgh will receive 40%, with the remainder going to SG beneficiaries.

sofi's nocturnesSofi’s Nocturnes: weekly open stage hosted by Matt Norris and Arno Blok. Unplugged and intimate – all acts welcome, including music, spoken word and anything else you’d like to perform. House guitar available. A free drink for all performers! 8-10pm, Sofi’s Bar, Henderson Street.

fountainhall road 2Scotland’s Open Gardens: 61 Fountainhall Road. Large walled town garden in which trees and shrubs form an architectural backdrop to a wide variety of flowering plants. A collection of hellebores and triliums, several alpine beds and three ponds with a lively population of frogs. Refreshments available. 2-5pm, 61 Fountainhall Road, EH9 2LH.  £4 person, of which 40% will go to Froglife and the net remainder to SG beneficiaries. For further information please contact Mrs Annemarie Hammond on 0131 667 6146.

Black-Diamond-Express-photoHidden Door x Bongo: Alternative Orchestra After-Party. Live sets from Black Diamond Express and special guests, followed by DJs and dancing till late. 10pm-2am, The Bongo Club, Cowgate. Tickets cost £7 on the door sta (free with Hidden Door combined tickets).

me & T monthlyMe & T Monthly: a supportive space for people who have friends, family or partners who are transgender or exploring their gender – an opportunity to meet others who may have similar experiences, questions or concerns. 2-4pm, LGBT Health & Wellbeing, 9 Howe Street. For more information please contact at any time.

dr neil's gardenScotland’s Open Gardens: Dr Neil’s Garden. Secluded, landscaped garden on the lower slopes of Arthur’s Seat, featuring conifers, alpines, physic garden, herbaceous borders and ponds. Also Thomson’s Tower with the Museum of Curling and beautiful views across Duddingston Loch. Refreshments available. 2-5pm, Dr Neil’s Garden Trust, Old Church Lane, Duddingston Village, EH15 3PX. Please park at the kirk car park on Duddingston Road West then follow signs. £3 per person, of which 40% goes to Dr Neil’s Garden Trust and the remainder to SG beneficiaries.

william jewell concert choirSt Giles’ At Six: William Jewell College Concert Choir, Missouri. An eclectic programme featuring works by composers from around the world. Conductor: Anthony J Maglione, organist: Ann Marie Rigler. 6pm, St Giles’ Cathedral, High Street. Free: retiring collection.

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