Five things you need to know today
Penguins on the buses
Get online in Edinburgh
Gallipoli remembered
Easter eggs for CCLASP
Pie and Beer night
Did you know that the penguins at Edinburgh Zoo used to get on the bus and come into the city centre? This was one of the interesting facts that Tony Bradford one of the senior animal presenters at Edinburgh Zoo was able to tell us yesterday.
We met Tony at the photo call for the newly decorated number 26 bus which now has a gentoo penguin or two on it.
A nationwide road show is set to help people across Scotland get online. The Scottish Government’s Let’s Get On team will visit 75 towns and cities from 6 April until 8 May offering free, informal, drop-in sessions on how to get online and the benefits the internet can bring.
Trained and friendly staff will host around 90 sessions at a variety of locations ranging from supermarkets to shopping centres to sports clubs and local community hubs. The team will help people experience the benefits of being online first hand by demonstrating a variety of online activities such as how to set up an email address, tips for safe internet shopping and banking and how to video call friends and family.
Free, informal, drop-in sessions will take place in Edinburgh on the following dates, times and locations:
- Wednesday 8 April from 9:30am to 12pm at Jobcentre Plus – Edinburgh, 11 – 13 South Saint Andrew Street, Edinburgh, EH2 2AU
- Wednesday 8 April from 2pm to 4:30pm at JobCentre Plus – Leith, 199 Commercial Street, Edinburgh, EH6 6QP
- Friday 10 April and Tuesday 14 April from 9am to 6pm at Cameron Toll Shopping Centre, 25 Cameron Toll Shopping Centre, 6 Lady Road, Edinburgh, EH16 5PB
- Friday 17 April from 10am to 6pm at ASDA, 3 New Mart Road, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH14 1RJ
Please note the free informal drop in sessions timings may be subject to change. Please visit or call 0300 004 1000 to check up to date timings.
On 25 April Legion Scotland will be hosting the national commemoration to mark the 100th anniversary of the First World War Gallipoli Campaign at Edinburgh Castle.
The public are invited to watch and take part in the entire ceremony taking place in the Scottish National War Memorial on the Edinburgh Castle Esplanade and lay wreaths on replica Stone of Remembrance.
People throughout the city and customers of the Newkirkgate Shopping Centre in Leith kindly donated over 60 Easter eggs to Edinburgh based charity, Children with Cancer and Leukaemia, Advice and Support for Parents (CCLASP).
The donation comes following the shopping centre launching an appeal earlier this month to help spread some Easter cheer this year.
The Easter eggs were donated to CCLASP last Thursday so that they could be enjoyed by the children who benefit from the charity at their annual Easter day out on Easter Sunday.
CCLASP was set up over 20 years ago to help support children with Cancer and Leukaemia and their families across Scotland.
Hugh Colville, deputy centre manager for Newkirkgate Shopping Centre, said: “We thank everyone who has kindly bought an extra Easter egg this year and donated it to CCLASP. We hope that everyone’s kind donation will go some way towards helping make the Easter of the children and families who benefit from the support of CCLASP extra special this year.”
Valerie Simpson, CEO and founder of CCLASP, said: “We thank the Newkirkgate Shopping Centre and those throughout the local community who have kindly bought an Easter Egg for those who use our charity. We are looking forward to handing these out at our event on Easter Sunday!”
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