Canal View Primary School – recording their own ‘Band Aid’ song!


Canal View is a Positive Action school based in Wester Hailes, and they have been working on an opportunity for their pupils to show off their many varied talents and raise their ambitions now and for later life.

An idea came about just before Christmas when the pupils said they were very keen to record their own version of Band Aid. Following a discussion about copyright it was suggested that they write their own song and donate any money that they made to charity. Inspired by their enthusiasm their teacher Rachel Bennett emailed several local songwriters and James at the Listening Room responded immediately, wanting to support them with their ambition.

Caro and James from The Listening Room come along to the school once a week to work directly with the pupils and The Edinburgh Reporter visited today to see how their song is progressing.

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The Edinburgh Reporter NEWS from Phyllis Stephen on Vimeo.

The class is now halfway through the process of producing a song and getting it recorded. They started in January, and have the bones of a song that is structured around the theme of friendship and has the working title of ‘On the Same Side’.

The next stages are for the pupils to learn to sing and accompany the song before visiting the recording studios at Edinburgh College and then recording a few different versions of the song back at Canal View, all under supervision of the Listening Room.

The pupils are keen to create a CD cover and possibly sell some copies to raise money for a charity. There has even been talk of a music video, live performance to officially release the song and sending copies to their favourite artists for their verdict! For what it’s worth we think it is a lovely song with great lyrics! 

They recently visited the Milton Road Campus at Edinburgh College to see what a professional recording studio looks like and they will be recording their song on 1 April 2015 at the school.

The recording will be produced during the Easter holidays ready for release at the end of April.