Nicoya-family-photoAn Edinburgh family are hoping to make it a family affair when they take on the city’s 10k in May.

Seven family members Nicoya Whiteman, her brother Jonathan, uncle Paul, aunty Valerie, brother-in-law Steven, cousin Ashleigh and Ashleigh’s boyfriend Rory will be putting their best foot forward when they take part in the race on 30 May.

”We’re not really a family of runners,” said Nicoya 32 from Cortorphine. ”Most of us have to do a lot of training but Paul and Jonathan are the fastest and they are very competitive.

”Paul beat Jonathan by eight seconds last year so Johnathan is trying to beat him this year,” Nicoya added.

Nicoya’s grampa John was diagnosed with the neurological condition Cortico Basal Degeneration (CBD) six years ago and the family are keen to do whatever they can to raise awareness of the condition.

CBD is a neurological condition, related to Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) that directly affects the brain’s cortex. It can also affect other parts of the brain such as the basal ganglia. Symptoms often involve the loss of use in one hand, jerking or slowness of the fingers, eye movements can also be disturbed.

Nicoya’s grampa who was originally diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, then PSP and finally with CBD is now in a care home.

The family will be taking on the race for the second year and hope to beat last year’s sponsorship total of £800 .

Funds will be donated to the PSP Association (PSPA) the only national charity which represents people living with the conditions PSP and CBD.

”He has continued to fight on,” said Nicoya. ”He is completely bed bound but he is very proud and strong and always wanting to know about you and what you are doing.”


Submitted by Rhiannon Davies
