Neil Findlay to contest the Scottish Labour leadership

Neil Findlay the Lothians MSP
Neil Findlay MSP

Following our article at the weekend when we posed the question as to which politicians from Edinburgh might stand in the leadership contest, we have now had at least part of the answer.

There will be two Lothians MSPs standing. Sarah Boyack MSP announced her interest yesterday, and this morning it appears that Neil Findlay MSP is also a candidate.

Neil Findlay is the Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing at Holyrood.  According to the Scottish Parliament website, he started his working life as an apprentice bricklayer in the family business and subsequently worked for Housing associations and as a teacher at primary and secondary schools. He was councillor for Breich Valley Ward from 2003 to 2012 when he was first elected to the Scottish Parliament.

The most recent motion which he enrolled at Holyrood is an acknowledgement of the campaign group Hear our Voice which exposes the impact of mesh implants on women across Scotland.

He spoke at Holyrood only yesterday to ask the cabinet secretary for Health about Ebola and the training given to staff from Scotland going to help fight the disease in Africa. He also asked the Minister to meet with Scottish-African charities and hold discussions with them.