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Home Anti-fracking protest at Holyrood FREE PIC- Mr Fracking at Scottish Parliament 04

FREE PIC- Mr Fracking at Scottish Parliament 04

FREE PICTURE: “Mr Fracking” anti-fracking tour of Britain visits Scottish parliament and the Palace of Holyrood House, 08/10/2014:
A 10ft pro-fracking puppet monster, Mr Frackhead, visited Holyrood today (Wed 8th October 2014), on his tour of the UK looking for places to frack for shale gas.
Mr Frackhead stopped for photos at the Scottish Parliament, Arthurs Seat and Holyrood Palace, where ā€˜the Queenā€™ tried to stop him from fracking under her Palace.
Holyrood is amongst many sites of significance across central and southern Scotland that fall within areas on offer in the 14th round of onshore oil and gas licensing. Under UK Government plans, the Queen, or any other house owner, would not be able to stop fracking underneath their homes.
More info from: Friends of the Earth Scotland press office: Connal Hughes – communications officer – chughes@foe-scotland.org.uk – 0131 243 2719 – 07921 338 705 or Paul Daly, campaigns officer – pdaly@foe-scotland.org.uk – 07792 076 614
Photography from: Colin Hattersley Photography – colinhattersley@btinternet.com – www.colinhattersley.com – 07974 957 388

FREE PIC- Mr Fracking at Scottish Parliament 03
FREE PIC- Mr Fracking at Scottish Parliament 05

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