Tell us your news

2014_Sept Edinburgh16

We have all become news junkies over recent months – but what is the news where you live?

Is it something really important to you and the people who live in your area?

Tell us about your community council meeting, your plans to run a food bank, your school, your fundraising efforts.

Has a new shop opened? Got a new cafe to go to? Did your team do really well?

Then tell us here!

EdinburghReportage is where The Edinburgh Reporter asks you to get involved in reporting the news where you are. Your contributions will be published here on the EdinburghReportage pages.

We will issue regular calls for Stories, which can be told with words, photos or video on a wide variety of topics. We will also ask you to suggest stories here.

All submissions will be moderated, but as long as you abide by the rules then your story will get published!