
hearing dogs for the deafDeaf for the Day: clerical assistant Amanda Gray is going ‘deaf for the day’ to raise funds for Hearing Dogs for Deaf People – and the charity will be at the centre to show how clever and life changing Hearing Dogs are.  At 11am you are invited to join St Bride’s BSL Group to learn some basics of British Sign Language: information will also be available from Deaf Action, Action on Hearing Loss and Sign & Be Heard.  St Bride’s Community Centre, 10 Orwell Terrace – contact centre for more details of times, etc.  Donations can be made via www.justgiving.com/Amanda-Gray77.

LGBT Spiritual Space: Conflicts of Sexuality and Faith. Explore conflicts that exist within these two aspects of identity; Maxwell Reay, NHS Mental Health Community Chaplain, offers a supportive space for LGBT people to discuss and develop ideas of spirituality and identity – suitable for people of all faiths or none. 6.30-7.30pm (within weekly drop-in session 5.30-8pm), LGBT Health & Wellbeing, 9 Howe Street. No booking required.

patriothallSEEP II: Mirrors and Mires – Writing and Performance Workshop with Andra Simons; part of Cachin Cachan Cachunga!’s exhibition at Patriothall. 1-4.30pm, Patriothall Gallery, 1 Patriothall (off Hamilton Place), Stockbridge. Places cost £5/£4 and can be booked by emailing cachin@blissfultimes.ca  More information here.

World War One Cinema: A Farewell to Arms. On the Italian front in WWI, an American ambulance driver falls in love with a nurse. Shown as part of Gorgie War Memorial’s World War One Commemoration. 6.30pm, St Bride’s Community Centre, 10 Orwell Terrace. Free. PG Certificate, 110mins.

Walking Group: free, volunteer-led walking group: open to all, various locations accessible by public transport. 1.30pm every Monday, meet at Pilton Community Health Project. To register your interest call Lianne or Clare on 0131 551 1671, email admin@pchp.org.uk or drop in to the Project at 73 Boswall Parkway – or just turn up.

The Edinburgh Philosophy and Psychology Group. September meeting: Forgive and Forget – how do we deal with the memories of past wrongs? Are we able to move on or not? What is the role of forgiveness? Discussions are non-academic and group members come from a wide range of ages, backgrounds and nationalities. Non-members are welcome and group meetings are free, with free sandwiches. 8-9.30pm, Links Hotel & Bar, 4 Alvanley Terrace, Bruntsfield.


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