Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2014 – REVIEW – Patrick Monahan: Adventures in Monahan Land ****
Patrick Monahan: Adventures in Monahan Land, Gilded Balloon Teviot 8pm, until 24th August, £12 (£11 concessions)
Monahan’s charismatic and positive aura emits around the Gilded Balloon Wine Bar well before the show starts and well after it is meant to end. You’ll find virtually every review of his gigs mentions his renowned hugging nature, with this review now not being any different.
In his latest offering, the hugs are still ever-present, the welcoming atmosphere leading up to a successful attempt at getting the audience in the mood by picking on a front-rower and performing a Zumba routine with them. On his first night of the run, serious injury was a high possibility!
By relying heavily on creating banter with his audience, every show will be different, but a recurring ‘getting in to a party’ skit showcases Monahan’s moves which wouldn’t look out of a place in one of the Fringe dance shows. His experience at a Prince concert is one of a handful of anecdotes, some of which fizzled out a tad towards their respective endings.
He mentioned that he had not quite got through as much of the show as he had planned and promised to email it but if you’re looking for an enjoyable and comedic evening with an upbeat Teesider then you should sign out of your email, venture away from your PC or phone screen and see what Monahan has to offer.