Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2014 – REVIEW – Croft and Pearce: Give and Take ****


Croft and Pearce: Give and Take, Gilded Balloon Teviot 5:45pm, until 24th August (except 11th), £10 (£8 concessions)

Accomplished and adaptable, Croft and Pearce return to the Fringe with more memorable scenarios. The first sketch immerses the audience into what becomes an enjoyable peek into the lives of many well-crafted characters, including ‘Jean and June’ and an un-pc Brown Owl.

Their later tea-time slot didn’t attract as packed a house as last year (on this particular night), but those that did venture out on the dreich evening were treated to a solid performance by two top talents.

It would be exciting to see this pair develop and expand upon their more ‘daring’ scenes, perhaps in a later timeslot, and a few more examples of ‘audience-involving’ sketches could see them flourish furthermore.