Queen’s Birthday Honours 2014


There are some notable Edinburgh names on the 2014 Birthday Honours List published on Friday by the UK Government.

Mary Moriarty the former landlady at the Port O’ Leith has been awarded a British Empire Medal to recognise here efforts for Leith and in particular the Leith Festival.

Ewan Brown CBE who is currently Chairman of Scottish Financial Enterprise has been knighted for services to business and Public Life and Philanthropy in Scotland.

Professor Thomas Devine who is a history professor at University of Edinburgh receives a knighthood for his work on Scottish History.The Reverend Norman Drummond founder of Columba 1400 and former Queen’s Chaplain has been awarded an OBE for public and Voluntary service, particularly to young people.

David Gow who invented I-Limb Hand has been given a CBE for services to upper limb prosthetics.

Kath Mainland who is the Chief Executive of Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society has been rewarded for her work in Culture in Scotland by a CBE.

Professor Walter Nimmo also gets a CBE for his philanthropy and charitable services to Higher Education.

The award of OBE goes to Fiona Ballantyne for services to culture,Ruth Connelly Head of Broadcasting at the Scottish Parliament, Dr Anthony Falconer previously President of the RCOG for services to women’s health care and Professor Julie Fitzpatrick the Scientific Director at Moredun Research Institute along with Elspeth Macarthur who was a member of the judicial appointments board and Professor Aziz Sheikh who is Professor of Primary Care Research and Development at the University of Edinburgh.

Mrs Trishna Singh who is a director of  Sikh Sanjog gets the same award for services to the Sikh community in Edinburgh.

Hurrah also for Fraser Doherty otherwise known as Jamboy who gets an MBE for services to business. Fraser Doherty is CEO of Superjam which he started at the age of 14.