Friday in Edinburgh – things to do today

2014_04_24 CastleFRIDAY – wind down with some theatre

Cleaning Up Titian’s Venice – a talk by Dr Jane Stevens Crawshaw of Oxford Brookes University.  Hawthornden Lecture Theatre, Scottish National Gallery, 12.45-1.30pm.  Free

Untaught to Shine: Stellar Quines theatre company present eclectic, site-specific theatre inspired by the women’s stories held within the Portrait Gallery collection.  National Portrait Gallery, Queen Street. A free pop-up performance at 2pm and a ticketed performance at 7.30pm (£8, tickets from Scottish National Gallery Information Desk or by calling 0131 624 6560 between 9.30am & 4.30pm.)

Scotland’s Storytelling Renaissance: Donald Smith, storyteller and founding Director of the Scottish Storytelling Centre on why live storytelling has re-entered the cultural mainstream in Scotland. 6.30-8pm, Meadows Lecture Theatre , Old Medical School, Teviot Place.  Part of Tradfest and At Home in Scotland: Stories of Place. Free tickets from eventbrite.

Voluntary Arts Week starts today throughout the UK.  For full details, locations and times see This week”s events (with lots more to come next week) include: the Scottish Mineral & Lapidary Club Open Week  at 20 Maritime Lane, where you can see members at work in their dedicated workshop. (drop-in, suitable for ages 10+.) and Knitting for All – relaxed informal knitting meet-ups across the city for all ages, beginners and experts equally welcome.


Collective Gallery preview event for  Camille Henrot’s ambitious film work ‘Grosse Fatigue’. which won the Silver Lion at the 55th Vienna Biennale in 2013.  It attempts to tell the story of the world’s creation from a computer desktop and using the collection of the Smithsonian Institute.   Tonight 6-8pm, then from tomorrow till 16th June (NB closed Mondays.)  Collective Gallery, City Dome, 38 Calton Hill.  For more information call 0131 556 1264 or